Back from Crazy Taxi 2 is the "Crazy Hop," it helps the player get through traffic jams or jumping gaps money will also be giving for performing them, "Crazy Through" is perform when the player passes right next to another vehicle, and "Crazy Drift" is a drift mechanic that helps the player get through sharp corners or turn the cab 360 degrees. The tips that is giving for performing stunts will increase by fifty-cents if the player keeps it up, but if the player gets hit by another car, the amount of tips will reset to its original amount. Several "stunts" are used in the game to either help out the player in a certain situation, or increase the amount of money that will be giving when the player drops off the costumer.
The player must also be careful on how to approach a costumer, if the player gets too close, the costumer will run a couple of feet away from the cab which will cause a few seconds to be wasted, as a matter of fact, the cab driver will tell the costumer to hurry up and get in the cab. Returning from Crazy Taxi 2 is the ability to pick up two to four costumers at once, the player has to drop off two, three, or four costumers in different locations the fare earned after dropping off a costumer is earned after when all the costumers is dropped off. The costumers will increase the time of the game clock, another time limit is presented on top of the cab which indicates the amount of time for the costumer. Each of them will be presented in different colors, red, orange, yellow, green, and yellow-green - it represent the amount of distances the player has to drive to the costumer's desire location. They are several type of costumers that will be hanging around the city. The game clock will slowly deteriorate from a strong one-hundred or two-hundred seconds the player once had to a measly thirty-seconds. The amount of time that costumers gives to the player will not be enough to get to the desire location as fast as the player wants to. But eventually things will get tough as traffic will increase - cars will be parked on side-walks. At the beginning, the player can have his or her time up to over one-hundred or even two hundred (If skilled) seconds by picking up costumers and performing well in the game. The game's overall difficulty does ramp up over time. They are four rankings in the game, "Speedy" will add five seconds to the time, "Normal" will add two seconds to the clock, and "Bad" will add no time to the game clock. The time can be increase if the player does well in the game rankings will be giving to the player once the costumer is dropped off, some of them will give extra time added to the game clock. The player has a game clock on screen - indicating the amount of time the player has before the game is over. The player drives around a city picks up costumers and drop them off in their desire location as fast as they can.
The gameplay starts off with the player picking one of four cab drivers (Eight more cab driver can be optional when unlocked in the Crazy X mode), they are depend in speed and handling. Some of the music tracks from the first two games also return. The cab drivers from West Coast and Small Apple returns. A redesign West Coast level from Crazy Taxi and Small Apple from Crazy Taxi 2 returns in the third installment. The game includes the two other levels from the the first two Crazy Taxi games. What's new in Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller, is a brand new city known as Glitter Oasis a city that is based off Las Vegas, new mini-games are introduce in a mode called "Crazy X" (Echoing the name of the platform that it was available on, the Xbox), brand new music tracks are also feature. The game features some of the contain from the first two Crazy Taxi games and new contain is also feature. It was (At the time) exclusive for the Xbox, then later release for the PC, and the arcades. The game was develop by Hitmaker and publish by Sega. Overview Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller is the third installment in the Crazy Taxi series.